Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Parting Ways

The past week has been mayhem combined with a little sadness, a lot of happiness, and a crap load of packing. Miguel left on Saturday as the whole family (I’m talking cousins, aunts, uncles) sat by and cried and waved goodbye for now. In my haste to go to Madeira (I don’t even know my flight date yet), I began packing like a madwoman on Monday. However, after talking to a few moving companies, it became shockingly clear that shipping internationally was freaking expensive. It is actually cheaper for the both of us to flight out for a visit and take some things back with us. Outrageous. So, my hubs and I made a joint decision to (get ready for this, girls) only take two bags and a large carry-on a piece. This is not a joke. Everything else is being left behind. My French girl secrets post is now coming in handy, as well as this post from Anna, the Chic Fashionista. I’m really going to have to learn some outfit creativity in the coming months. 

Ok, so it’s not like I’m going to be deprived over there. Replacement is not an issue, but there’s just something a little unnerving about leaving all of your things behind. At first, I was a little freaked out. I mean, those are the only things I really have. It’s not like I’m leaving my house or my car. Just my stuff. My books; my clothes; and my precious, precious kitchen stuff.  But after pondering the reality of the situation, I’ve realized that it’s sort of a forced purging. Kind of nice, actually. I’ve been saying for years that I want to streamline my wardrobe into a more basic and classic look that’s easy to mix and match and change up with accessories. Well, here’s as good a chance as ever. And besides, it’s just stuff.

Although I keep saying it, I am still so, so excited to go to Madeira, whenever that may be. We were hoping for a week from Miguel’s departure, but who knows. Madeirans are typical island people, which translates as they take forever to do anything. Maybe in a week or so, I will be posting about my new apartment and my lovely new island life. *cross your fingers* Until then, I will be finishing packing, trying to keep myself busy, and and parting ways with "les things". *sigh* Must. Stay. Busy. I feel some new recipes coming on…



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