Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Simple, for Now

Hi friends! I know it's been a very long time since I've posted last, but honestly, nothing much to report. The most awesome thing that has happened over the past week and a half or so has been that Miguel started his first game and played the entire 90 min! I was so proud of him. Here he is in the starting lineup:

More photos and hopefully the link to the full game coming soon!

Something else super-duper exciting is... I'm getting a visa today! Woo Hoo! With it, I can legally live and work here (Although, most jobs require you speak Portuguese. Go figure). So, we shall see where it takes me.

In health news, I've gone completely sugar-free as of last Tuesday (no added sugar, no fruits, no starchy vegetables). It's been pretty killer, but my body has been crying out for it. I've just been resisting... For those of you who don't know, I have a fairly weak system that has to be kept in check with proper diet. After our wedding, I kind of fell of the super-healthy eating bandwagon, and now I am feeling it. Hence the boring, heart-breaking diet. Gah. How long will this last? It's hard to say. To put it simply, until I feel better. then back to super-balance diet for me. I know it's for the better.

So what does this mean for you? Well, it means that delicious recipes might not pop up as frequently as before. So simple it is for now.


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