Monday, February 27, 2012


Hi everyone! After six excruciating weeks of being away from my husband, I am finally here in my new apartment in Madeira. Only allowed 30kgs worth of luggage and an 8kg carry-on, I felt as though I was starting a new life all over again. I arrived here at 1 AM Saturday morning, and, exhausted, plopped down in my new, big, fluffy bed. It was amazing.
On Saturday, I unloaded my limited belongings, cleaned and enjoyed my cute, new apartment. 
Our dining room

Bathroom #1
Bathroom #2
Bedet included.
Our bedroom
Then I rested, and went to the grocery store. Our apartment is located across the street from a shopping center which houses said grocery store. How convenient! Awesome, yes. Dangerous, I think so... It is exciting. :) 

Sunday, I piddled around the house, had a leisurely breakfast, went shopping, and headed to Miguel’s game. Unfortunately, he didn’t get to play, but seeing him in his element was exciting. 
Sexiest. Husband. Ever.

 It’s great to see him finally being rewarded for all of his hard work. For dinner, I whipped up roast turkey. No, it’s not Thanksgiving, and yes, we had turkey. It so cheap here! How great is this place?

As a side note, earlier in the day, I had to de-feather the turkey. It was quite enjoyable in a sick way. Don’t judge me…

 So the turkey was great, as was our night. We’ve been away from each other for way too long.

Today was my first time really getting my feet wet in the waters of Madeira, figuratively speaking. The water is very cold right now… I spent the entire morning from 8:30 to 12:00 walking around Funchal, checking out all the shops and cafés.
Cathedral in Funchal

Fish in the market

This is a botanical garden in the middle of the city.
 Oh, how I love Europe. I was able to walk a little ways up the mountain to enjoy the breath-taking view.

Once Miguel had finished training, he took me to his mother’s cousin-in-law’s cousin’s coffee shop (everyone is a cousin when you’re Portuguese). The coffee was amazing. No coffee is featuring in this post, but I plan on being there again tomorrow, in which case, a photo will be taken.

We’ve spent the rest of the day shopping, making dinner, and watching TV, namely, Jersey Shore, which makes me exceedingly happy (although I know that my brain cells die every time I watch it). After 8 months of being married, I finally feel like I’m married. Actually, I feel like I’m playing house right now, but I think we’ll get use to it ;). I couldn’t be happier to be in a beautiful country, with a gorgeous home, with the love of my life. Finally. 


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